The NGO TURSIOPS created in 1993 for the knowledge and protection of cetaceans. TURSIOPS organise eco-volunteer internships with dolphins.

ONG Tursiops

The association TURSIOPS was created in 1993 for the protection of cetaceans.

Eco-volunteer courses are organized to meet the  cetaceans in the wild nature.
The images who filmed and the data scollected are shared with the scientific community to help the research. In the Red Sea, the association works closely with the DWA (Dolphin Watch Alliance).


Since 1993, TURSIOPS has participated in various protections and informations programs by participating in the production and production of documentaries. The photos and the videos produced help protect cetaceans. Since 2012, works has been shared with the researchs studies in the Hurghada's region of Egypt.
Tursiops was created in France in 1992.
In the firsts times we worked with the research in the south of France to study the famous  solitary dolphin, who called Dolphy.
We organised some very successful encounters with sick children and this dolphin from 1992 and 1995.

Subsequently, and with the disappearance of this female dolphin, the association decides to promote interactions between humans and cetaceans.
The main driver of this idea is to inform the public about the protection of dolphins in general, by carrying out photographic reports and videos on the subject. Knowing better about wildlife is better protecting it.

The first documentary produced by TURSIOPS, "Man and Dolphin: how to use" received the first prize (Master category) of the international festival of Ilckirch in 1997; A document made in France, Florida, the Bahamas but also in Australia denouncing the industry of captivity with unpublished images of US Navy dolphins in full rehabilitation. A project realized with the close collaboration of Jean Marc Barr (LE Grand Bleu) and Ric O'Barry (The Cove).

The other documentaries:
"As long as there are dolphins" 52 minutes. The man-dolphin relationship from antiquity to the present day.
"The Mystery of Embiez" 13 minutes. Dolphins ambassadors in France.

Films made for children's hospitals of the INTERLOCK project:
- "Dolphins in freedom"
- "The dolphins of Monkey Mia"
- "On the road to Bunbury"
- "The rescue of Bobo the dolphin"

These images have served several associations of cetacean protection in the World such as a poster campaign in the United States to fight the captivity of cetaceans. .

At the same time, the team gathered as much information as possible about the so-called "ambassador dolphins" around the world. Trips rich in lessons have been made to meet these special dolphins who choose contact with man.
The members of TURSIOPS (researchers, photographers, teachers) also participate in strandings, some discoveries have made it possible to denounce the abuses of industrial fishing.

The images also show pollution problems in the oceans.

TURSIOPS now partners with the scientific community, researchers and oceanographic institutes to better understand cetaceans and their environment
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